Course Reserves are required materials held at service desks for students to check out on a short-term basis, usually hourly, in order to complete coursework.
Place Material on Course Reserves
- Instructors can place material on Course Reserves at any UO library.
- Use a Personal Materials Reserve Request List (Printable PDF) for personal or library owned material; deliver the form, along with any personal material, to any library Checkout desk. Printed copies are also available at the Library circulation desk.
- Use the Library Materials Course Reserves Request Form for library-owned materials. We will page material and process the materials for you.
- Use the Faculty/GE Course Reserves Order Form for items not already owned by the Libraries, that you'd like to request us to purchase. Approved requests require six to eight weeks to acquire.
Types of Material and Limitations
- With the exception of library-use-only material (e.g. noncirculating reference materials, archived material in Special Collections/University Archives), most material owned by the UO Libraries may be placed on Course Reserves.
- Service desks may set limits on how many copies of an item can be held within space limitations; we recommend one copy per 50 students enrolled.
- Personal material (textbooks, course packets, videos, etc.) can also be placed on Course Reserves.
- UO Libraries is not responsible for material that is lost or damaged while on reserve. Please clearly label personal items so we can return them at the end of the term. We will need to put a barcode and call number sticker on each item.
- Student work from current or past terms may be placed on course reserves, but these works are protected under federal law. If you wish to place these materials on Course Reserves, you must abide by the guidelines here.
- UO Libraries does not currently offer an Electronic Course Reserves service. Many instructors make use of Canvas to provide electronic resources to their students.
- Interlibrary Loan/Summit items generally cannot be placed on Course Reserves.
Timeline and end-of-term Processing
- Whenever possible, requests should be submitted two weeks before the beginning of the term to ensure material is ready for your students by the first week of class.
- After the first week of the term, our processing time is about two business days. Requests are processed in the order in which they are received.
- Most reserve material is removed after each term, and instructor-owned items are returned via campus mail. Please contact us if you would like to remove your items early, or, would like your materials to stay on reserves for multiple terms.
Course Reserves Contact Information for Specific Libraries
Design Library: Jennifer Bath, 541-346-1867
Knight Library: Sophia Pankowski, 541-346-0753
Law Library: Ben Farrell, 541-346-1658
Portland Library and Learning Commons: Please contact staff at the Circulation Desk
Science & Math Libraries: Jennifer Bath, 541-346-2203