Reading room with windows along one wall in Special Collections and University Archives

Special Collections and University Archives (SCUA)

About the Library

Special Collections and University Archives (SCUA) plays a vital role in shaping the future by preserving the past. We collect, preserve, and catalog a wide range of materials, including rare books, personal and family papers, organizational archives, Oregon-related documents, visual materials, and historical records of the University of Oregon. These resources are made available for research and learning, offering valuable access to the UO community and scholars worldwide.

Map of the Knight Library.

Location and Contact

Special Collections and University Archives (SCUA)

Paulson Reading Room
Knight Library, 2nd floor North

1501 Kincaid St. 
Eugene, OR 97403
Google Map

Email: (preferred)

Phone: 541-346-3068 (voicemail only)

For more information about searching and accessing our materials, see our Searching for Collections page. 

SCUA Resources

SCUA is home to rich collections including rare books, manuscripts, audio-visual materials and University Archives.
We are open to all members of the UO community and the general public. We require all patrons to register and request materials at least five business days in advance of their visit. 
Our instructional sessions offer your students the opportunity to work with rare and archival materials in a hands-on and engaging environment. Visit for a single session, or collaborate with SCUA faculty on assignments and scaffolded series. 

Fellowships and Student Opportunities

SCUA offers funding and onsite internships for researchers, students and our global community. 

Discover Opportunities

collection items
students taught every year
offered in research funding per year

Latest News

The recently refurbished Asian Collection in Knight Library is already drawing students and others into its serene spaces to explore materials from graphic novels to ancient folklore across many Asian cultures.
The Oregon Digital Newspaper Program recently finished digitizing the complete run of the Portland Observer, an African American newspaper published in Portland from 1970 to the present. The Portland Observer joins the growing collection of African American newspapers in Historic Oregon Newspapers as well as other African American publications available through UO Libraries.
Since fall 2023, UO Libraries has systematically purchased eBook versions of required course materials for faculty-assigned courses, significantly reducing financial barriers for students. The program has provided access to more than 500 eBooks, benefiting more than 29,000 students across 800 courses.